
Syntax: @gaddfeature <groupnum> <feature>

Add a feature to all characters of VSPO group <groupnum>.

Related Topics:
@grmfeature -- Removes a feature from a VSPO group


Syntax: @gaddmanagers <people> for <groupnum>
@gdelmanagers <people> for <groupnum>

Adds or removes a list of people (separated by spaces) to/from the manager list for the specified group. Managers are treated as co-owners for the group and can do anything with it or its VSPOs that the owner can do (do not use this lightly!). Likewise, any manager can also change the managers list for the group..


Syntax: @gaudit <groupnum>

This will list the audit information for VSPOs associated with group <groupnum>. You are only able to list groups which you own or manage.


Syntax: @gbuilder <person>

This will make the specified person a builder, if they are a VSPO that you own or manage.


Syntax: @gcensus [<person>]

Will show a census summary for all VSPO groups accessible by you, or all groups controlled by <person> which are accessible by you if <person> is specified.


Syntax: @gchange <person> to <groupnum>
@gchange <person1> <person2> [ <person3> ...] to <groupnum>

Move one or more VSPOs from one VSPO group to another. You must own both the source and the destination VSPO groups.


Syntax: @gchown <object> to <person>

Change the ownership of <object>, which belongs to you or a VSPO of a group of yours, to <person> (who needs to be either you or a VSPO of a group of yours as well).


Syntax: @gaddmanagers <people> for <groupnum>
@gdelmanagers <people> for <groupnum>

Adds or removes a list of people (separated by spaces) to/from the manager list for the specified group. Managers are treated as co-owners for the group and can do anything with it or its VSPOs that the owner can do (do not use this lightly!). Likewise, any manager can also change the managers list for the group..


Syntax: @gdescribe <groupnum> as <description>

Set the descriptions of all characters of VSPO group <groupnum> to be <description>.


Syntax: @gemail <groupnum>

E-mails an message to all vspo group members with set addresses and MOOmails the rest.


Syntax: @gexpire <groupnum> is <date>

Change the expiration date for a VSPO group you own or manage. <date> can be in any of a number of forms, including:

09/10/94 - Change expiration date to Sept 10th, 1994.
Jan 23 2004 12:00 - January 23rd, 2004, at 12 noon
tomorrow - This time of day, tomorrow.
+2 days, 5 hours, 3 minutes - 2 days, 5 hours and 3 minutes from now.

..or any reasonable combination of the above or a few other less common syntaxes (basically it should understand most of the forms a human would). You will be prompted before the change is made to ensure that it interpreted your date correctly.
Please note that the system isn't as smart as one would like, and may not understand certain dates you give it. If this happens, try specifying the date differently (e.g. January 1, 1999).


Syntax: @gflag <flag> for <groupnum>

Set or unset one of the flags (options) for a group you control. Specifying a flag by itself or with a "+" in front of it will enable that option, specifying it with "-" or "!" in front of it will disable it. Currently valid flags are:

  keepowned - If this flag is set, when the group reaches its expiration
               date and the VSPOs are recycled, all of their owned objects
               will be transferred to the group's owner instead of being
               recycled with the VSPOs. Use this option if your VSPOs are
               working on a project that you would like to keep around
               longer than the VSPO group will be.

nogroupnotify - When set, VSPOs are not sent the first, general or
               the final VSPO group expiration notices, only the
               group owner receives them.


Syntax: @gfollow <groupnum>
@gfollow! <groupnum>
@gunfollow <groupnum>

Make a VSPO group (all initialized and connected characters thereof) follow you automatically when you walk or teleport. If the question-mark version is used, even sleeping VSPOs are made to follow you.
@gunfollow reverses the effect of @gfollow.


Syntax: @gmove <groupnum> to <location>
@gmove! <groupnum> to <location>
@ggather <groupnum>
@ggather! <groupnum>

Teleport all characters (the initialized ones) of VSPO group <groupnum> that are on-line to <location> or teleport them all to where you currently are. If the exclamation-mark version of a verb is used, _all_ intialized VSPOs are moved, even the ones not connected.


Syntax: @ggender <groupnum> is <gender>

Set all characters of the specified VSPO group <groupnum> to have gender <gender>.


Syntax: @ginfo <groupnum> is <info>

Set the information text <info> of all characters of the specified VSPO group <groupnum>.


Syntax: @ginit <groupnum>

This will go through each VSPO in the specified group which does not posess a name and prompt you for one. Once it receives an acceptable name, it will generate a random password for the new student and tell you what it is. Then, it will prompt you for an email-address for that account. This process can be aborted by typing @abort at any point.

It will automatically add the suffix that was inputted when the group was created, if that field is blank, it will prompt you for a suffix. There is another verb, @gsuffix that you can use to change the suffix if there was a mistake.


Syntax: @ginit-a <groupnum>

This is a modification of the normal @ginit command. It will automatically initiate each VSPO with a prompted alphanumeric string and a number which will be incremented. You can not set e-mail addresses; they are automatically set to the VSPO managers. You do have the option of setting one password for all accounts or individual passwords. You can stop the process by using @abort at the beginning input questions, otherwise it will initiate all of the previouslly un-initiated VSPOs. This is useful for people who want to quickly start up a workshop or VSPO group.


Syntax:@ginter <group number>
@guninter <group number>

Adds [removes] all members of vspo <group number> to your `interesting people' list.

This is only useful if you've added the $login_watcher feature, which has an "@interesting" command that notifies you when people connect or disconnect.


Syntax: @glinelen <groupnum> is <number>

Set the linelength for all characters in VSPO group <groupnum> to <number>.


Syntax: @glist[-e] <groupnum>

This will list the information and VSPOs associated with group <groupnum>. You are only able to list groups which you own. @glist provides a list of all members, and @glist-e provides their email addresses also.


Syntax: @glist[-e] <groupnum>

This will list the information and VSPOs associated with group <groupnum>. You are only able to list groups which you own. @glist provides a list of all members, and @glist-e provides their email addresses also.


Syntax: @gmass <group number> [on/off]

Sets the massmail option in your vspo group to on or off. If no argument is used, it lists what the settings of the members of your group is currently.


Syntax: @gmove <groupnum> to <location>
@gmove! <groupnum> to <location>
@ggather <groupnum>
@ggather! <groupnum>

Teleport all characters (the initialized ones) of VSPO group <groupnum> that are on-line to <location> or teleport them all to where you currently are. If the exclamation-mark version of a verb is used, _all_ intialized VSPOs are moved, even the ones not connected.


Syntax: @gnewpass <person> is <password>
@gnewpass-a <groupnum> is <password>

This will assign a new password to a VSPO or an entire VSPO-group.


Syntax: @gnotify <groupnum>

Mails expiration date notifications out to recently active (in the last 4 months) VSPO group members. Sends email to those with set addresses and MOOmail to the rest.


Syntax: @gpagelen <groupnum> is <number>

Set the pagelength for all characters in VSPO group <groupnum> to <number>.


Syntax: @gprogrammer <person>

This will make the specified person a programmer, if they are a VSPO that you own or manage.


Syntax: @gquota <person> is <number> [<reason>]

Set a person's quota to <number>. The current maximum number of objects or amount of bytes that a single VSPO can own is set by $vspo_registry.max_quota. Using this command will trigger mail to be sent to a system-mailing-list that wizards read regularly.


Syntax: @gregister <person> as <email>
@gregister-a <groupnum> as <email>

Change the email address of a VSPO or an entire VSPO group. You must be an owner or manager of any such individual VSPO or VSPO group, of course.


Syntax: @grename <groupnum> to <anything>

Change the label of a given VSPO group that you own or manage.


Syntax: @grestrict <restrictions> for <person>
@gunrestrict <restrictions> for <person>
@grestrict-a <restrictions> for <groupnum>
@gunrestrict-a <restrictions> for <groupnum>

Add or remove the given restrictions to/from the specified person or to/from all people in the specified group (if you are allowed to, of course).

Current possibilities for restrictions are:

  speak - make it so e cannot make any noise.
  move - make it so e cannot leave their current location.
  page - make it so e cannot page others.
  teleport - make it so e cannot use @go.
  rename - make it so e cannot change eir name or aliases.


Syntax: @grmfeature <groupnum> <feature>

Remove a feature from all characters of VSPO group <groupnum>.


Syntax: @groups [<person>]

This will show all groups accessible by you, or all groups owned by <person> which are accessible by you if <person> is specified.


Syntax: @gsethome <location> for <groupnum>

Sets the home of all people of the specified VSPO group <groupnum> to <location> and adds them as residents there. If the verb encounters an already set home on one of the VSPOs it prompts for an answer to "Change it anyway?" for that specific case.


Syntax: @gshowurl <URL> to <groupnumber or person>

Displays the URL to everyone in the specified VSPO group or to the person, if they are using an MCP-aware Telnet client within the MOO's integrated Web interface.


Syntax: @gsuffix <group number> is <new suffix>

To change the suffix that is appended to all members of group <group number> to <new suffix>.


Syntax: @gfollow <groupnum>
@gfollow! <groupnum>
@gunfollow <groupnum>

Make a VSPO group (all initialized and connected characters thereof) follow you automatically when you walk or teleport. If the question-mark version is used, even sleeping VSPOs are made to follow you.
@gunfollow reverses the effect of @gfollow.


Syntax: @guninit <vspo>

Uninitialize a VSPO which has been incorrectly initialized with @ginit. This will allow you erase an initialization and make the specified object be available once again for @ginit to use, if you should make a mistake.


Syntax: @ginter <group number>
@guninter <group number>

Adds [removes] all members of vspo <group number> to your interesting list.


Syntax: @gwhat <person>

This will list which VSPO group the specified person belongs to, if they are a VSPO that you own or manage.


Syntax: @gwho <groupnum>
@gwho-all <groupnum>

This will show a @who listing of all initialized VSPOs in the specified group, if you have access to the specified group. @gwho lists all connected VSPOs from the group, @gwho-all lists all VSPOs in the group whether they're connected or not.


Syntax: gpage <groupnum> [with] <message>

Page all members of VSPO group <groupnum> that are connected with <message>.


Educators, instructors or other individuals who would like to bring
temporary groups of people into the MOO may request and
create `Visiting Student Player Object' groups.

VSPO groups allow their owners to administrate and create MOO
characters. VSPO Administrators assign names, passwords, builder or
programmer status, building quota, etc. for members of their VSPO
group. VSPO users have a tremendous responsibility towards their
fellow VSPO users and the MOO at large.

For information on how to request a VSPO group, type: help VSPO-intro.

At this point, having decided to set up a VSPO group, it may help to
take a look at the commands available to a VSPO owner.

     type: help vspo-index

Additional help topics:
VSPO-intro -- to see a basic introduction to VSPOs
VSPO-setup -- to see help on setting up the VSPO group
VSPO-info -- to see help on viewing group information
VSPO-group -- to see help on managing groups
VSPO-individuals -- to see help on managing individuals
VSPO-online -- to see help commands when the group is online


See: vspo, $vsfo in General Help, VSPO-setup, VSPO-information, VSPO-group-management, VSPO-individuals-management, and VSPO-online


See: vspo-introduction


                          *Help VSPO Management-Groups*

1) Addmanagers - To add or remove manager(s) from the group:

   type: @gaddmanagers <character(s)> for <groupnumber>
   type: @gdelmanagers <character(s)> for <groupnumber>

2) Newpassword - To change a password for an individual or entire group:

   type: @gnewpass <character> is <password>
   type: @gnewpass-all <groupnumber> is <password>

3) Groupflag - Set or unset one of the flags for the group:

   type: @gflag <+flag> for <groupnumber> to add a flag
   type: @gflag <-flag> for <groupnumber> to delete a flag

   Current valid flags are:
   keepowned - When set, at the expiration date of the VSPO group,
               objects will be transferred to group owner instead of
   nogroupnotify - When set, VSPOs are not sent the first general or
                   the final VSPO group expiration notices, only the
                   group owner receives them.

4) Expiration - To change the expiration of the group to an earlier date:

   type: @gexpire <groupnumber> is <date>
   <date> forms: 01/31/99; Jan 31 1999 17:30; tomorrow; -2 days, 3hours

5) Notify-group - To notify group members of the impending group expiration date:

   type: @gnotify <groupnumber>

6) Rename-group - To change the label of the group:

   type: @grename <groupnumber> to <renamed>

7) Add all group members to your list of interesting people so you can watch logins.

   type: @ginter <groupnumber>

8) Remove all group members from your list of interesting people.

   type: @guninter <groupnumber>

9) Display an Internet resource at a given URL to all the members of
   the group. Note that only VSPOs that are using the MOO's
   integrated Web interface will have the URL displayed. You can
   specify a person to be shown the URL instead of an entire VSPO group.

   type: @gshowurl <URL> to <groupnumber or person>
@gaddmanagers -- to add or remove manager(s) from the group
@gnewpass -- to change a password for an individual or entire group
@gflag -- set or unset one of the flags for the group
@gexpire -- to change the expiration of the group to an earlier date
@gnotify -- to notify group members of the impending group
                 expiration date
@grename -- to change the label of the group
@ginter -- add all group members to your list of interesting people
@guninter -- remove all group members from your list of
                 interesting people
@gshowurl -- display an Internet resource at a given URL to all
                 the members of the group




                    *Help VSPO Management-Individuals*

1) Builder Status - To grant an individual Builder's status:

   type: @gbuilder <character>

   The person must have knowledge of the MOO's Building Code and/or
demonstrated equivalent capabilities. VSPO owner may be held
responsible for the actions of their VSPO characters.

2) Programmer Status - To grant an individual Programmer's status:

   type: @gprogrammer <character>

   The person must adhere to the MOO's programmer policies, and
   maintain a working relationship with a mentor wizard or

3) Quota Status - To set a character's building quota:

   type: @gquota <character> is <number> [<reason>]

4) Change Group - To move a character from one group to another:

   type: @gchange <character> to <group number>

5) Change Ownership - To change the ownership of an object:

   @type: @gchown <object> to <character>
@gbuilder -- to grant an individual Builder's status
gprogrammer -- yo grant an individual Programmer's status
@gquota -- to set a character's building quota
@gchange -- to move a character from one group to another
@gchown -- to change the ownership of an object


                           *Help VSPO-Info*

1) Groups - To show all groups owned or accessible by you:

   type: @groups <character>
   This shows all groups accessible by specified character.

2) List-group - To list all VSPOs of group <groupnumber> and information
   (name of group, owner, manager, storage space used, expiration date):

   type: @glist <groupnumber>

3) What-group - To list which VSPO group a character belongs to:

   type: @gwhat <character>

4) Census-group - To show a census summary for all groups accessible by you
                   or a specified character:

   type: @gcensus <character>

5) Gwho-all - To see a @who listing of all initialized VSPOs in a group:

   type: @gwho <groupnumber> to list all connected from the group
   type: @gwho-all <groupnumber> to list all from group, connected or not.
@groups -- show all groups owned or accessible by you
@glist -- list all VSPOs of group
@gwhat -- list which VSPO group a character belongs to
@gcensus -- show a census summary for groups
@gwho -- see a @who listing of all initialized VSPOs in a group


                 *Working with a VSPO Group*

1) Adding the VS Teacher FO

The VSPO system works in conjunction with a feature object that carries
those commands VSPO group owners need to administrate their groups.
To use it, you must first add it to your list of feature objects:

    type: @addfeature $vsfo

You should get confirmation that the VS Teacher FO ($vsfo) was added
as a feature.
(Don't be confused by the apparent switch between VSPO and vsfo).
Now you may proceed to study its help documentation, which is divided into
five categories:

    type: help VSPO-setup (to see help on setting up the VSPO group
    type: help VSPO-info (to see help on viewing group information)
    type: help VSPO-group (to see help on managing groups)
    type: help VSPO-individuals (to see help on managing individuals)
    type: help VSPO-online (to see help commands when the group is online)
    type: mailme help VSPO-complete (to have the complete set of VSPO
                                      texts sent to your e-mail address)

You can also receive more detailed information about specific commands
within these categories by typing: help <command>.

You should also subscribe to the *VSPO Mail List, where you may post
questions and meet other VSPO group administrators:

    type: @subscribe *VSPO

If you need more detailed information, please contact a manager or all of
them at once (by addressing a letter to *managers). Thank you.

2) Requesting a VSPO group

Compose a letter addressed to *managers that contains a brief description of
the project or event for which you need a VSPO group, whether it is a free
or fee-based class, a one to three word label for the group, a suffix
that you want appended to the name of each group member, the number of
people in the group, and the duration the group will exist.

You'll be contacted by a manager, who may wish to discuss your project,
and then be granted a VSPO group number, and are now ready to begin
setting up your VSPO group.


The following commands are available to Managers with "VSPO management" responsibility. They are not available to VSPO owners.

@make-vspos -- Creates a VSPO group
@expire-group -- sets a VSPO group to expire after standard warning time
@kill-vspo-group -- causes a VSPO group to expire immediately
@chown-group -- change the owner of a group
@vspo-info -- reports various info about a VSPO group
@vspos -- Lists all VSPO characters currently connected


                   *Help VSPO Online Commands*

1) Page Group - To page all characters of a VSPO group with a message:

   type: gpage <groupnumber> [with] <message>

2) Follow Me - To have all characters automatically follow you:

   type: @gfollow <groupnumber> to have active group members follow you
   type: @gffollow! <groupnumber> to have all group members follow you
   type: @gunfollow <groupnumber> to reverse the effect of follow-me
   type: @gunfollow! <groupnumber> to reverse the effect of follow-me!

3) Move Group - To teleport all characters (active/inactive) to a room:

   type: @gmove <groupnumber> to <location> to move active characters only
   type: @gmove! <groupnumber> to <location> to move all characters
   type: @ggather <groupnumber> to gather active characters to you
   type: @ggather! <groupnumber> to gather all characters to you

4) Restrict Group - To restrict a person or group:

   type: @grestrict <restrictions> for <person>
   type: @gunrestrict <restrictions> for <person>
   type: @grestrict-a <restrictions> for <groupnumber>
   type: @gunrestrict-a <restrictions> for <groupnumber>

   Current possible restrictions are:

   speak - makes it so character or group cannot make any noise
   move - make it so character or group cannot leave their current location
   page - make it so character or group cannot page others
   teleport - make it so character or group cannot teleport
   rename - make it so character or group cannot change their name or alias
gpage -- page all characters of a VSPO group with a message
@gfollow -- have active group members follow you
@gmove -- teleport all characters (active/inactive) to a room
@ggather -- teleport all characters (active/inactive) to where you are
@grestrict -- restrict a person or group in some way


                        *Help VSPO-Setup*

These commands will help you set up a VSPO group and covers the following:

1) Initializing a new VSPO group - to begin, see what groups are
accessible by you:

    type: @groups

You will notice that all groups have a number assigned to them.
To refer to a group directly type: @group <groupnumber>

A) Initializing a VSPO group assigns character names and email-addresses.
B) Passwords can be assigned randomly or assigned by you.
C) Before initializing your group, gather your list of character names,
email-addresses, and passwords if you want to select them.
D) Write down random password #s, or assign by using the @newpassword command.
E) Don't worry if the list is not complete, you may always add later.

To launch the initialization process:

   type: @ginit <group-number>

This will allow you to create new characters under the VSPO group number.
They will automatically have the 2- or 3-letter suffix that was assigned
when the group was created or if there is none assigned, you will be
prompted for one.
Passwords will either be randomly generated, or specifically assigned by you.
You may choose to use your own e-mail address, or the person's.
You may abort the process by typing @abort at any time.

2) Uninitializing a VSPO group - To uninitialize an incorrect group:

    type: @guninit VSPO <groupnumber>

This will allow you to erase an initialization and make the VSPO available
for @init-group again.

3) Changing a group's suffix:

   type: @gsuffix <groupnumber> is <newsuffix>

This will change the suffix of members of the group to the specified value
when they are created using @ginit. This doesn't change the value of
previous created members. You will have to change their names manually.

4) Registering an e-mail address for a VSPO group or individual- to register:

   type: @gregister <character> as <e-mail address>
or type: @gregister-a <groupnumber> as <e-mail address>

This will change the email address of an individual or group.
You must be an owner or manager of the VSPO or group to do so.

5) Setting a home for a VSPO - To set a home for a group:

   type: @gsethome <location> for <groupnumber>

This will set the home for the group and make them residents.
The VSPOs will connect to this location when logging in.

6) Describing a VSPO - To describe the individuals in the group:

   type: @gdescribe <groupnumber> as <description>

This will set the description for every character in the group.

7) Setting information VSPO - To set the \"information\" text for a group: <- *

   type: @ginfo <groupnumber> as <info>

Information text typically explains about what a person's interests, both in
and online, particularly describing their interest in the particular MOO,
as opposed to the description, which primarily says what their character
looks like.

8) Setting gender for a VSPO group - To set the gender for a group:

   type: @ggender <groupnumber> is <gender>

9) Setting linelength for a VSPO group - To set linelength for a group:

   type: @glinelen <groupnumber> is <number>

10) Setting pagelength for a VSPO group - To set pagelength for a group:

   type: @gpagelen <groupnumber> is <number>

11) Adding a feature for a VSPO group - To add a feature for a group:

   type: @gaddfeature <groupnumber> <feature>

   This will add a feature to all group members.

21) Removing a feature for a VSPO group - To remove a feature for a group:

    type: @grmfeature <groupnumber> <feature>
@groups -- list your VSPO groups
@ginit -- initialize a VSPO group
@guninit -- uninitialize one
@gsuffix -- change the character name suffix for a group
@gregister -- register an e-mail address for a VSPO group or
@gsethome -- set a home for a VSPO group
@gdescribe -- describe a VSPO group's characters
@ginfo -- set the @info for a group
@ggender -- set the gender for a group
@glinelen -- set the displayed line lingth for a group
@gpagelen -- set the displayed page length for a group
@gaddfeature -- add a feature object for a group